About Me

My name is Michael Redl, I live in Chilliwack, British Columbia. I am 18 years old. I just graduated from Sardis Secondary High School. I was part of the school's musical production of, Grease. Also, part of the school's drumline, which was featured in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. I played the symbols...

The cast and crew (try to find me)

Drumline & Olympics

The drumline playing at the long jump
Tried, but failed
CTV (first live performance)
Wanna piece of me?
Me rock'n out with my instrument
Much On Demand (MOD)
Olympic rings (first public performance)
Drumline with the mayor of Wistler Village

My prom suit

ME AND Motorcycles!!!
I have been riding motorcycles since I was 5. I have always had a passion for motorcycles. I rode an, 04 Kawisaki KLR 650, to the top of Alaska and back when I was 16. I would eventually like to travel the whole world on motorcycle. My plan is to find a career that I like and gives me random, long periods of time off, every now and then.


My first bike, I got it when i was 5

My first bike to learn clutch, I got it when I was 9 (this is a new model, mine was an 83)

My last dirtbike

First street-legal bike (what I rode to Alaska and back)

What I am riding now

Thats all folks