Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 21, 2011

Today was the day. Our last day in a spanish speaking country. Niether dad or I got very much sleep last night because we were very excited. Dad and I were packed up and ready to go before 8. We made it to the boarder around 9. And there was a line up at least 2 km. Dad and I just sat in the back of the line for a minute or so till some locals told us to ride up the sholder. So dad and I said "Okay" and we cruised all the way up to the front of the line about 12 cars in front of us. We were in the line up for maybe 20 minutes and then we were in the USA! Dad and I start on the road then I come on the CB and say "Oh my god!" Dad replayed " What! What!" Freaking out and trying to look through his mirrors to see whats wrong. "An Ihop." I say with a sigh of relief. I can just see dads helmet shaking back and forth. Nothing was said till we sat down and got a table at Ihop. After our breakfast we just went full throtle to Phoenix. But on the way dad discovered his out-out shaft is leaking oh great. And to add on top of that his battery is low. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. It starts to rain. So dad and I just switched batteries and got to Bill and Susans house as soon as possible. Needless to say we made it there with out any more problems.

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